Caring with clear leadership
At some time in its life your dog might get a wound or a cut. Around Sydney Harbour oyster shells are particularly nasty and can become infected quickly.It is important to do something straight away before the wound becomes infected. If it is a deep wound I would recommend consulting your vet straight away. If stitches are required the best results are achieved if done immediately.

For lighter wounds I try and clean the area with a mild antiseptic like tea tree oil, then dress the wound with a non stick absorbent pad and then wrap with a breathable crepe bandage. Check regularly to make sure the bandage is clean and the wound is not bleeding or infected.
Mutt-Luk dog shoes (shown right) are great for keeping bandages on the feet clean and taking the pressure off the wound when walking the dog while it is healing. I always have a couple of pairs available for the dogs I walk.
Disclaimer: The tips here are general advice only and if you are at all concerned about the problem please seek professional advice straight away.