Caring with clear leadership
Dogs like people can get anxious for may different reasons. Some of the common triggers include:
Thunder and Storms
Loud noises
Handling especially ears and paws
New places and people
Men and Children.
Susannah did this painting of our dog Gus on the first day he left the pound. Unfortunately, he had a poor puppy hood which manifested in him becoming a very anxious adult dog.
Anxiety can be played out in forms of behaviour and physical symptoms like obsessive scratching, barking, hiding, panting and more.
It is very important to try and address these issues before they become a problem.

One of my dogs was quite edgy and he would wind himself up very quickly. He was a rescue dog who had been confined to a backyard for his first couple of years and so every new experience was over exciting.
We tried using a Thundershirt (see left). The change was quite miraculous.
As soon as we put it on he calmed immediately and he started yawning, indicating that he was relaxing.
Overall his behaviour has improved immensely. The shirt is easy to fit and doesn't restrict the dog's movements.