Caring with clear leadership
Dog Toys come in all shapes and sizes and are a great way to keep your dog entertained.
Many problems arise when the dog is bored and good toys can stop them from becoming bored. Some toys might seem expensive, however a good toy will be durable and will seem cheap next to a chewed couch!
I look for a solid toy especially if you have a chewer. I prefer rubber toys because if a piece is chewed off it passses through the dogs gut more easily than plastic or string.
Stuff food into the toy to make it more interesting for the dog. I try to make it as difficult as possible to challenge the dog and keep them busy.

Bounce adds a lot more fun for the dog and can be used in the park if they like to chase things.
Squeaky toys are great for some dogs but others will destroy them in seconds (including our dog Mildred).
Soft Toys
We chose the number of soft toys for Wilbur. Some Toys he has played with for many months without damaging. However, others he has destroyed in a matter of minutes.

The common element I have noticed each of the toys is that if they are soft all over he tends to be more gentle with them. His green flea has lasted since he was a little puppy.

If the toys are soft and hard, like the Wubba, he tends to want to dissect them straightaway.

Dragon is quite soft in the body however you can see on his nose Wilbur pulled it apart and pulled the stuffing out. The nose was the firmest part of the toy.

Similarly, shark was pulled apart at the mouth where it was quite firm. Once he started pulling the toys apart I removed them so he he wouldn’t ingest the soft fibrous material.
Soft toys can be very expensive, choose the toy’s wisely and you will save yourself a lot of money. Wilbur’s Flea is the winner in the durability stakes.